field notes

Arctic Circle Expedition Upcoming

Preparing for an expedition to the Arctic Circle in June; thinking about movement, ice, climate, and time. Views over Iceland omw to Toronto for #robarch2024

silk fibroin-based flexible electronics

silk fibroin molecular diagram

Silk fibroin is an insoluble protein produced by Bombyx mori silkworm. It is the major component of the silkworm cocoon. Due to its unique structural properties, low immunogenicity and stability at low pH, Silk fibroin has several applications in both textile industry and biochemical research. Thaw slowly at 2-8 °C then swirl content to mix. Do not vortex.

We Three (my Echo, my Shadow, and me)

[Verse 1]We three, we’re all aloneLiving in a memoryMy echo, my shadow, and me [Verse 2]We three, we’re not a crowdWe’re not even companyMy echo, my shadow, and me [Bridge]What…

Setting a reminder to myself

to travel to the next solar eclipse in Spain, August 12, 2026, after convos w David Pfau Below is a crescent-laden photo from the last one at Bell Labs Laureate…

ROS Experiments

GENESIS Forms concepts as code fragments, ROS experiments

Body Machine, In Progress

detritus & mechanism, today; morning light and tracing sculptural encasings for cocoons, trying to give my silkworms a good life while they’re here, before death and/or metamorphosis

Bombyx Mori Habitats

Learning how to form habitats; Studies in observation, metamorphosis and care #ROS


captured my own movements as spatial data to create these GENESIS sculptural forms — each piece is an array of positions, gestures, traces of the body in physical space

relational modes; real and imagined

fieldnotes relational modes, real and imagined i. Exquisite Corpus performanceii. A language of linesiii. Sprouting — Hexagram 3 — First I CHING reading of 2024iv. diagramv. Studiomatevi. except from the…

“The imagination is nothing unless it is made actual”

physical manifestation of my speculative robotics series (ongoing) Still entranced by the tactility of rapid prototyping, visual properties of clear resin. Maybe glass next? Title: #kathyackerImage: Resin print of sculpture created…

// speculative robotics — programmable matter //

..Inspired by xenobots– constructed of frog cells, computational organisms. Machines made of silicon with proto-cognitive capabilities. How might these nano-organisms “think” differently — think alongside our own wetware, differently? And…

// speculative robotics ~~ ecologies of becoming-with //

Inspired by the materiality of the Mantis shrimp. A research process of energy conservation through it’s internal geometric structure. (elastic to kinetic energy conversion through bio-mimicy)..modelled in VR, converting to…

// bodies in space //

// my last performance of Exquisite Corpus with D.O.U.G._4 // I sometimes wonder what the next performance will be like, after a year of lockdown. Exquisite Corpus was the first…

// drawing installations 2011 //

..People sometimes ask me how drawing with D.O.U.G. has changed my process. Here’s and image of me preparing some installation drawings (#chiaro_oscuro) from a decade ago. Breaking out from software…

// Relation vs Interaction //

..Building interactions implies sovereignty, detachments disguised as world-building– God-mode. vs Building (inter)Relation. Implies inclusion, ” I” is situated within the relation. Dynamics of relations — equitable relationships, requires trust and…

// SECOND NATURE: Relation / Repetition //

.. “This flood of convergences, publishing itself in the guise of the commonplace. No longer is the latter an accepted generality, suitable and dull no longer is it deceptively obvious,…

grasping the organic / daydreaming new natures

… ¹ Still from a private performance in a Mexican jungle² grasping SECOND NATURE, AR experiments in Lockdown³ drawing a memory⁴ excerpt from Anna Anlin Cheng’s Ornamentalism..” What happens to…

Indeterminacy Scores

feat. Drawing Operations (robotic) Unit, Generation 4Paintings as sound compositions Referencing John Cage’s Fontina Mix, 1958, a provocation for “musical scores of indeterminacy”, these experiments were created in collaboration with…

Biometric Flora

Intertwining my meditation and art practice. They’re both simple interventions that shape my days — alternating between varying states of flow, alternatives to the addiction to control, reliance on certainty

// drawing in lockdown //

I used to draw differently.My approach to drawing and machine learning, data, and robotics started as a way to evolve my drawing ability by designing artificial intelligence systems, to explore…


Learning shelter, communal thinking, escapist magical realism // mycelial machinations — wild / life // witness & unfurl — terrestrial microbial worlds — ( shelter-in-place ) // Music by @a_q_u_a_r_i_a_n //…

~ ( distance ) in place ~

Corpus I from the series ( distance ) in place, 2020, graphite on paper | collaboration with D.O.U.G._5. All images courtesy of the artist. As external realities we once knew have dissolved…

〰️ views from somewhere 〰️

. . During quarantine, I’ve been gazing at the city through its public cameras, searching for absence of crowds. It’s an activity that offers some small assurance that people outside…

〰️ a vial of invisible ink 〰️

Missing this peaceful moment from my last performance. I like that the image captures the inherent stillness of the process of drawing. Despite uncertainty, the lines are grounding..I’m slowly working…

〰️ drawing as co-presence 〰️ .

.Thinking about starting a drawing live stream from my studio in Brooklyn, a space to draw together as I iterate and experiment with new performance concepts around telepresence and sound…

〰️ mutations of desire 〰️ .

🌹 as simulation, mutualism, mutation, process, and memory . ~ Process artefact from upcoming project exploring biometrics and digitized organic material .~ Slow motion capture of a bee pollination in…

Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-Canadian artist and researcher. Chung is the founder and artistic director of ⇢ SCILICET, a studio exploring human & non-human collaboration.

A former research fellow at MIT’s Media Lab, Sougwen is considered a pioneer in the field of human-machine collaboration – exploring the mark-made-by-hand and the mark-made-by-machine as an approach to understanding the dynamics of humans and systems. 

— Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-born, Canadian-raised artist & (re)searcher based in London / New York / Hong Kong.

— Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-born, Canadian-raised artist & (re)searcher based in London / New York / Hong Kong.

— Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-born, Canadian-raised artist & (re)searcher based in London / New York / Hong Kong.

Copyright Sougwen Chung