// drawing in lockdown //

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I used to draw differently.
My approach to drawing and machine learning, data, and robotics started as a way to evolve my drawing ability by designing artificial intelligence systems, to explore collaboration with a robotic unit.

Since the pandemic, my focus has been on the possibilities of robots as a medium of collective collaboration, communication and connection.

Especially true this year, the necessity of inventing processes of adapting to circumstances such as these, with drawing as current and ground.

I'll be publishing more experiments, sketches and writing in the coming year. Sougwen.com/sketches

Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-Canadian artist and researcher. Chung is the founder and artistic director of ⇢ SCILICET, a studio exploring human & non-human collaboration.

A former research fellow at MIT’s Media Lab, Sougwen is considered a pioneer in the field of human-machine collaboration – exploring the mark-made-by-hand and the mark-made-by-machine as an approach to understanding the dynamics of humans and systems. 

— Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-born, Canadian-raised artist & (re)searcher based in London / New York / Hong Kong.

— Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-born, Canadian-raised artist & (re)searcher based in London / New York / Hong Kong.

— Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-born, Canadian-raised artist & (re)searcher based in London / New York / Hong Kong.

Copyright Sougwen Chung