Sougwen Chung at Elisava Masters’ Talks

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In February, Sougwen Chung visited Elisava School of Design and Engineering in Barcelona to give a talk titled 'Seeing Double, Bridging Dualities with Relational Intelligence'.

As part of the Elisava Masters' Talks series, Chung reflected on their ongoing research with the question: “Where does AI end, and where does humanity begin?”. The Masters' Talks, which feature internationally renowned speakers, bring together professionals from diverse fields, including design, communication, architecture, industrial design engineering, art, and innovation. Chung's talk followed in the footsteps of previous speakers like Lev Manovich, Eyal Weizman of Forensic Architecture, and Sissel Tolaas, who have shared their expertise on the intersection of technology and human experience in this multidisciplinary series.

More information on the talk.

Tagged: Speaking

Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-Canadian artist and researcher. Chung is the founder and artistic director of ⇢ SCILICET, a studio exploring human & non-human collaboration.

A former research fellow at MIT’s Media Lab, Sougwen is considered a pioneer in the field of human-machine collaboration – exploring the mark-made-by-hand and the mark-made-by-machine as an approach to understanding the dynamics of humans and systems. 

— Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-born, Canadian-raised artist & (re)searcher based in London / New York / Hong Kong.

— Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-born, Canadian-raised artist & (re)searcher based in London / New York / Hong Kong.

— Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-born, Canadian-raised artist & (re)searcher based in London / New York / Hong Kong.

Copyright Sougwen Chung